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Tell your government to regulate fashion!
What's the role of policymaking in fashion? Reflecting on this year's Fashion Revolution Week theme: Money Fashion Power
Apr 15, 20226 min read

Is sustainable fashion overlooking Balkan?
Is sustainable fashion community online overlooking the realities of garment workers in Southeast and East Europe?
Apr 3, 20226 min read

The ethics of gifting: your unusual gift guide
When we gift something, we are gifting far more than just the object itself...
Feb 15, 20226 min read

Why supporting small businesses matters + 10 ways to do so
Let me ask you a question right away. What is something that you own, value and care about a lot? Are any particular objects coming to...
Jan 22, 20227 min read

Made in label isn’t what you think it is
Here is why "Made in Europe" (or UK, or US, and elsewhere) doesn't mean that the clothes were made ethically...
Nov 5, 20217 min read

What is Fashion Activism? Deep dive into the meaning, history, and recent examples.
What is fashion activism, how it changed through history and how it continues to change...
Oct 1, 20218 min read

Can a sustainable business make a profit? My chat with Nikki Trott about money and passion
It’s time to get away from this profits vs ethics thinking. Because it’s limiting you and is slowing down the well-needed change in the...
Jul 12, 20216 min read

We should talk about cultural appropriation in ethical fashion
Ethical and sustainable fashion isn’t immune to cultural appropriation. And that is the hard conversation we need to have here.
Jun 4, 20215 min read
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